Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Adsense Earns $16 Today

If Adsense kept on earning over $16 a day, it would be very good earning from online activity. This month I have been trying hard to increase earning from adsense. Last month my earning stayed average $5 a day. This month it increases up to average $10 a day.
I had not displayed adsense for link for along time. I thought that it had very low earning. The I noticed in my earning report that the adsense for link channel often appeared though I was not displaying it all. After that I just want to placed it again and surprisingly, though I am not so sure because of that, my earning increase significantly due to adsense ecpm and ctr increase.
Keeping on resulting $10 a day is satisfactory enough for me, since I am is not so good in online business. However today Adsense makes me very happy, it earns $16.23. I wish it earned over 16 daily he.. he..


  1. congratulation for the earning . .
    hope u get more, n hope i get too.

  2. Congrats dude! I think, You should use another Adsense theme to increase your CTR.

  3. Hi,
    It is a helpfulpost on this topic.Google AdSense is a free program that empowers online publishers to earn revenue by displaying relevant ads on a wide.

  4. Ya!It is good advice on it.Google AdSense is a free program that empowers online publishers to earn revenue by displaying relevant ads on a wide variety of online.

  5. Not bad at all!
    I wish that I could earn so much as well!

  6. Wow! Congratulation! You should have employed yourself in other money-making websites, I hope you earn US$100/day later. Good luck for the business, mate! :D

  7. Wow...great result, can you share with me "personally" how did you get best earning is from an affiliate program

  8. Well done on earning $16 a day, I earn about $5 a month if I am incredibly lucky.

  9. $16 a day is pretty lucrative, since that eventually piles up after a week or so. The challenge is how to keep that up.

  10. Happy blogging kawand, smuga menambah persaudaraan

  11. Salam kenal ya kawand,,, thxz infonya

  12. That's fantastic to hear of so much success. Over ten dollars per day starts to bring your business into something more then just a hobby. Great!

  13. These tips are great. I always enjoy brainstorming about catchy subject lines. Sometimes it can be tough, but we have to do what we have to do - please our readers!

  14. It is a good way to earn money money by sitting at home. Thanks for writing such a good article, I stumbled onto your blog and read a few post. I like your style of writing...

  15. wah mantap ne....
    kalo web ane mungkin masih $1 kali ya
    tapi masih bagusan se daripada kagak ada sama sekali hiks.

  16. sama yang diatas jangan dianggap spam ya gan tks atas dofolloenya....

  17. If you earn 16$ every day it wiil be something good for your budget, almost 500& a month is not bad at all.

  18. wah luar biasa bisa mahal gitu ya,,, enak ne tiap bulan nognrong dapet duit,...

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  21. This post stood very well written, and it also contains many useful facts. I appreciated your professional manner of writing this post. You have made it very easy for me to understand.

  22. keep blogging moga jadi info yang berguna...

  23. hebat nih gan ,,sukses trus ya gan,,

  24. ini beneran gitu gan ,mantap bener ,,,,

  25. gila..., adesense earns $16 per hari? apa gak salah? Mas..., orang mana mas? SAya orang cirebon... $16 perhari itu gede banget buat orang cirebon... kok bisa mas? saya harap mas akan posting lebih lanjut dan lebih dalam untuk hal ini.. terima kasih...

  26. wah mantabs sekali, jadi pengin menekuni adsense

  27. Adsense di saya blom menghasilkan.. harus banyak belajar..

  28. Good to know that adsense is working to some peoples.

  29. good banget klu bisa dapat segitu...kasih dong tips dan sarannya

  30. Exhilarating Blog! I am overwhelmed with your depiction. Thanks for giving out your creative mind's eye.

  31. mantap nie artikel nya sangat menarik...........

  32. tips and trick-nya donk, di post berikutnya ....!!!

  33. sipp dech good post.... thanks for share...

  34. makasih info nya sangat menarik nie gan.....
