Thursday, January 14, 2010

In the Rain, Blogging instead of Going out

It comes to rain everyday, day and night. Most of us tend to keep staying at home. Rarely going out should be a lot times to sit and typing. Then blogging is one of the appropriate ways in spending the time.
After the long break for the new year holiday, starting blogging seem to difficult to do. Some time feeling don't know how to start, like me. While the ambition in blogging income keeps high. Raining season some time make less production. Many news said that it blocks fishermen to work. It makes bit lazy to go to office. It makes enjoyment of sleeping the whole day heheh.
Then Raining should keep blogging. Blogging needs to force time energy and commitment. Blogging is not done overnight and sleep.


  1. Thanks atas sharringnya.. Maaf mau konfirmasi..Linknya dah saya pasang khusus daftar blog dofollow.. jika berkenan tolong dilink back ya sobat.. biar tetap ada di daftar itu ..trims atas kerjasamanya .. maaf seandainya gak berkenan .. tolong konfirmasinya.. nanti saya del lagi ..

  2. although the rainy day, keep the spirit of blogging... :)

  3. salam kenal master...
    jalan2 nh n ketemu blog bagus :) keep share & sukses yh...........

  4. Very informative. Thanks for sharing this.

  5. I love blogging a lot. I am busy with my free times blogging.

  6. Blogging is a good hobby. I love it. Thanks brother for your share.

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  8. Blogging is a good thing for those who love it very much.

  9. I will be happy during rainy season if I have a cup of tea and laptop.

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  12. Very informative. Much appreciated. Thanks for sharing this.
